Hooray for Summer Camp
A Grandparents Guide to FREE or low-cost campsInsider’s Guide to Summer Fun around Oregon
And that’s not to mention the break you would get while they were away!
Instead, we are going to convince you that Yes! You can help your grandchild go to camp this summer. Below are 15 camps and programs around Oregon that offer free or low-cost tuition. Click on the picture and see more information, including samples of the application forms you’ll need to fill out.
This is just a sample of what’s available for Oregon kids. Google “summer camps your town.” And here is a secret: many of these programs offer free or reduced tuition. If you don’t see information about this on their website, find a phone number and ask someone about Scholarships. If none are currently available, ask about a waiting list.
But hurry! Applications are due beginning now.
Don’t have a tent or a sleeping bags? No worries. For $30 Oregon State Parks offers amazing weekends for beginning campers. Included:
- Camping site for a Friday and Saturday night
- Loaner equipment: tent, sleeping bags and other gear
- Help setting up tent when you arrive
- How-to sessions on hiking, fire building, outdoor cooking and more
“Let’s Go Camping” is offered most weekends in July and August at State Parks all around the state. Registration in open March 1
For information and registration, call Oregon State Parks Reservation Center at 888-953-7677.

To apply, call the ADRC of Oregon at 1-855-ORE-ADRC and ask about “Family Caregiving Support” available in your county. Or search ADRC by zip code.