Ties That Bind 

Grandparents and Kinship Caregivers Raising Children in Oregon

Support for Grandparents


When you find yourself with a new role, it can seem like you’re facing a world of complications.  These resources may help with legal help and financial assistance you and your child(ren) are entitled to receive.


Life and Relationships

Raising kids while keeping your other relationships healthy will take all your body, mind and heart. We offer these ideas and resources for keeping yourself together.


Parents take on one of the most challenging jobs possible every single day. You did it once, now here you go again! The world has changed. We hope these resources will help. 

Our Community

Join our Facebook group. It was created to bring Oregon grandparents raising grandchildren together to share their experiences and knowledge to support one another. 


Please check the Ties That Bind Facebook group for more events and opportunities in your area!

Free, Live Virtual Story Times for your K-5 Children!

The Multnomah County Library offers free, live virtual story times multiple times a week--available and accessible no matter where you live! These live, online story times open up the world of books, music, culture, and play to babies, toddlers, families and young...

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NEW! Save $360 on Internet Service!

If you have a child in your home, you probably qualify for a $30/month benefit from the Federal government to help pay for internet. For example, if your youngster is enrolled at any Portland Public School, you qualify. It’s a two-step process. First, apply at...

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